I have this thing about carriers. I think they should be useable WITHOUT reading the manufacturers instructions, because a lot of us are going to skim at best, ignore at worst. So I like carriers that do what I expect, are reasonably basic, and can be fiddled with a little for a good fit, not require a degree in engineering.
Twingo is... Two separate carriers that fit together to make one. The blue is the base carrier, and you always put that on first. You can wear it solo with baby on your front OR your back. Want to tandem? Ok.
Put baby 1 in blue, hip scoot, put Orange on, baby 2 in, and clip to blue. You're done. Yes, it's that easy. Have a spare parent or getting a bit fatigued?
Add the shoulder straps to orange and make it a stand-alone solo carrier - fantastic when you have two babies small/young enough to still require front carries, or two toddlers who you'd rather carry independently!
Two bodies, two babies, two carriers, or ONE body, two babies, one carrier.
You DO need to read the fine print;
Babies should be sitting independently before being back carried in Buckle carriers, and when tandeming, the heavier baby should always be placed on the back in the blue base carrier, lighter baby on your front in the orange add-on carrier.
Weight restrictions are not less than 10lbs and not more than 40 lbs in EITHER carrier, and the combined weight of both children should not exceed 70lbs/32kg... so make sure you do a little math before carrying a big kid plus a baby.
I have to say Audrey kind of loved this and the carriers themselves were simple enough to use without detailed reference to the instructions. I like the safety elastics on all buckles, and I could actually cinch the shoulder straps enough for a a very comfortable back carry.
Great investment for parents of twins or babies close in age, and surprisingly simple! If you're in Australia like me, get in touch with Angelrock Baby about making tandeming MUCH easier!
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