Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Fidella "Shiva spirit" wrap review and GIVEAWAY

Fidella is a German company producing beautiful jacquards that are wide, thin, and 100% organic cotton.  My size 6 (a true 4.6m) arrived packaged in a matching dust bag and lightly fragranced. Whatever they washed it in, I want some.

This particular design -  Shiva spirit - is particularly appealing to me, garnished with Oms, lotus flowers, and Shiva depicted as a goddess sitting in the lotus position. Audrey was delighted with "Blue!" and promptly fell asleep ten minutes after being wrapped, so I'm calling that a winning endorsement from her.

At a generous 80 cms wide, this wrap is particularly suited to toddlers, and I'm looking forward to exercising it in something more strenuous than front wrap cross carry  to see how the "thin" holds up. I don't think I would love this as a shortie, but it could be a fantastic summer wrap and it's very soft and easy to work with straight from the bag (yes, I naughtily wrapped it BEFORE I washed... BAD me.)

In a beginner-friendly move, Fidella hem their rails on different sides, making it very easy to distinguish top from bottom and check nothing has twisted behind your back. The thinness of the weave let it spread easily across my shoulders and our bedtime FWCC that mutated into a weird cradle FWCC was surprisingly comfortable. I walked about the house and did a few odd tasks for about an hour with 12 kgs of unconscious two-year-old quite happily.

As you can see, the flip side is a stunning emerald green and my husband was quite taken with the colour (he has three green tee shirts. Every week I wash three green tee shirts) so I suspect he's eyeing this off as a bit of a daddy wrap.

My assessment? Fantastic baby wrap. Very soft and floppy and thin for new babes, is going to be great in summer (feels quite similar to Vatanai Koira), has a tiny knot, and a beautiful subtle design.
The best part? Thanks to the generosity of the lovely people at Fidella, I have one to GIVE AWAY!


  1. I've never wrapped.. but really want to. I have a baby carrier but the wraps are SO much prettier. :) I love the blue and green on this one.


  2. I have no experience with wraps, but I have to say that finding a print that represents who I am is important to me. It speaks to others and to my children. This print expresses my spirit and style.

  3. Oh My Goodness! I absolutely love this! Colors and design are perfect! It's been very hot already this summer and thin and floppy sounds like heaven!

  4. I absolutely love this print, gorgeous!!

  5. LOVE LOVE LOOOOOOOOOOOVE the colors!! I live in an area where summer starts in late March and lasts till early November, so a thin wrap is right up my alley! Plus, I can tandem my twins just right in a size 6!!

  6. Love the versatility of a wrap... quick uppies for housework and short trips... good firm comfy uppies for long carrries and walks... carry a bazillion different which ways AND doubles as a clean play-surface when theyre trasyu to pop down for tummy time or lay for a nap ♥♥

  7. This is beautiful. The colors are perfect.

  8. I love that os a good summer wrap that my soon to be toddler can be wraped on. I love that there is a difference in the rails as well. Beautiful colors to boot!

  9. Never wrapped but have always wanted to try one (and being hindu, this wrap looks so perfect lol) But i've heard it's good because it can grow with baby and be used in multiple ways :)

  10. This is a very calm and carry them wrap! The colors are very tranquil.

  11. This is STUNNING!!! I love a soft and cuddly wrap, and it has to be supportive for my chunky monkey ;)

  12. I've only ever used a carrier and sling, so I would love to try a wrap! They seem like they would be so much better for my back.

  13. Love the colors. I have a babyhawk mei tei and a ring sling, but would love to add a wrap to my collection.

  14. I love the colors and the versatilely of wraps I tell all my new mom friends thats it a must have! And being such a lover of spirituality this wrap fits me perfectly!

  15. Looks beautiful! Looks very comfortable too

  16. Beautiful! I adore the colors, the design and the fact that it is of lighter fabric. It would be an awesome wrap to use with my 3 week old or even my 18 month old.

  17. The most important thing for me in a wrap at the moment is that its toddlerworthy. I personally love the design of this wrap and it's colours. Thank you for the opportunity to win one for my private teaching/lending library!

  18. Soooo... I hadn't heard of Fidella until just the other day. When I saw they started following my Babywearing shop (we make SSCs & accessories) on Instagram, I checked out their site. I absolutely love their kinda alternative-ish style designs. I love the colors & definitely enjoyed the hip aesthetic! I'm definitely looking forward to converting one of these sweet wraps into a Mei tai or any SSC really! So fun!!

  19. First of all, I just wanted to say thanks to both Fidella and you for the fantastic opportunity to win this gorgeous wrap!

    The qualities I look for in a wrap is all day comfort and support as I have a 20lb 6 month old that I'm hoping to carry for quite some time!

    To win this particular wrap would be amazing because its not only in neutral colors but its also has a gorgeous design! Who ever wins this will certainly be happy! Good luck Mamas!

  20. I really like this pattern. I have yet to baby wear, but soon! So with all the research I've been doing I really love the wraps the best. I mean, not that there is anything wrong with the other carriers, but there is just something so beautiful about the wrap itself. So down to earth as well.

  21. ♡♡I LOVE this Pattern :) Beautiful. I LOVE size 6, 7, & 8s.. Longer the better haha♡♡
    What I Look for in a wrap the most is softness, easy to wrap, style and how comfortable it is for My Nurslings. If My Nurslings are Happy, Mum is Happy♡♡ I would absolutely LOVE to win this for My Newest Squish!♡♡ ♡♡

  22. I have yet to try a wrap but I imagine that support and softness would be key in choosing one. I really really want a wrap! I feel like my giant 5 month old is getting a bit heavy for a ring sling.

  23. Very stunning wrap. I'm new to wrapping and don't have a local baby wearing group so I've loved reading your blog and following you on fb. I'm looking for a great wrap for the summer heat for my 3 month old. Right now I've been learning with a stretch wrap.

  24. Gosh that sounds lovely! And gorgeous too :)

  25. I've never had a woven, but I love the versatility of wraps. They travel easily, have so many different applications...

    Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my mei tei and ssc, but you're kinda limited with them, if you kwim. This wrap is stunning! I hope you pick me!!!

  26. Thanks Chelsea for the amazing opportunity to win this wrap! And thank you to fidella for giving it to you to give away!
    Bluey greens are my Favourite !! I love wraps with these colours!!
    Size 6 is my base size, and you can never have enough wraps, especially in your base size :). Crossing my fingers that I win xx

  27. I like a thin, smooth wrap thats soft and easy to manipulate - not too grippy.

  28. I like a wrap that is supportive, but not thick, and is comfortable

  29. I'm kind of new to babywearing. I tried wearing my eldest, but the ring sling I was gifted (13 years ago) was padded and uncomfortable for me. I have an almost 2 year old now and have a wcrs we're trying to figure out. I really wanted a wrap, but, what I look for in a wrap and what I can afford are two different things! lol I am picky about color and patterns and of course, I need something toddler worthy! I love both the colors and pattern in this wrap!!! Thank you so much for the chance to win!! Good luck, everyone!! :)

  30. I do not own a wrap. I would look for one with soft fabric and a print that I adore.

  31. What qualities I like most in a wrap? Fidella "Shiva spirit" That is ALL <3

  32. I love Wraps are for calming, cuddling & keeping baby close :) Beautiful wrap <3

  33. Qualities I love most in a wrap; versatile for my big kids and my new squish, pretty, bright colors, floppiness and soft :)

  34. I like colours most of all and these colours are STUNNING! Green just happens to be my favourite colour! I also like having some length, size 6 is my fave size :)

  35. OMG this is gorgeous! I used to have an ellevil that was the blue/green/brown that I loved. I like a wide wrap and a thin one. I think wide makes me feel safer since it's easy to get a deep seat. Of course blues/teals/greens are my go to colors ;-)

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. this wrap is awesome!!! my two favorite colors and I LOVE LOVE! the design and it's toddler worthy? it is meant to be mine!! :)

  38. Lovely! Soft and floppy with a beautiful pattern.

  39. I don't know what I'd like in a wrap since I don't own one yet (can't afford). Really hoping to win!

  40. it's gorgeous! if it's so soft & easy to handle as you say it is... this could be THE WRAP! :)

  41. Overall very beautiful <3 Would love to win this! It would be my very first wrap :-)

  42. I love thin, supportive wraps!

  43. It's gorgeous. I'm looking for a great beginner wrap. This looks like it would work wonderfully for me if I'm lucky enough to win.

  44. I have been using wraps for 3 years and absolutely love them. I have 3 babies with my oldest being 3 years old. Wraps are literally the only way for me to get anything done. This wrap is so beautiful, to me it would signify not only carrying them but the beauty in the body and breastfeeding

  45. I am so in love with the design. Perfect for any yogini. I am a true beginner so it's perfect! AND I love in AZ and it's hot!!!!!!!!

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. It looks lovely and sounds Devine!

  48. I love thin supportive wraps. This is beautiful

  49. I haven't ever used a wrap yet. We have an ergo that my 3rd child loved but my 4th has never liked it. I would love to win this wrap and see if he enjoys it more. Mama needs to be hands free! :)

  50. I don't wrap, but what attract me the most is of course the design. I love pretty looking wrap, just like this one you're giving away! Hope to be able to win it for my local babywearing group! Thanks for the opportunity ������

  51. I like that it's organic. Lightweight is a plus for hot Iowa summers. I really like blue and green, and it is a pretty wrap. Yay Fidella Shiva spirit.

  52. Finding a wrap that fits my personality.

  53. I love beautiful, thinner, bouncy wraps. :)

  54. I have been wanting to wrap as this is my last of 7 children and have never been able would really love an easy to know wrap. my son now 3 months weighs 15+ lbs and I am afraid at this rate I may not be able to carry without assistance he is the fastest growing of all and my strength is not what it use to be.

  55. This print really appeals to me, would love to try one of these. I like moldable, squishy wraps that don't knot terribly thick.

  56. The most important is, the color, of course. :) This is beautiful!!! <3

  57. I love the colour of this one. Generically speaking, i love to have the baby near me and still be able to do stuff around the house.

  58. This wrap is gorgeous to say the least!

  59. What I look for most in a wrap is softness and thinness with some decent support since I have bigger babies that run hot and we live in a warm environment. Sounds like this wrap would be perfect!

  60. I have never really owned a wrap, but i keep entering these competitions in the hopes of winning one! The qualities i would look for from what my friends have said is softness and durability, and also how easy the wrap is to use :) Being a beginner means i need something that would be easy to use to do basic wraps with :)

  61. I love a pretty design that doesn't snag easily and that's lovely and soft - I have 4 boys and all the littler 3 like up so it's got to be strong too but not to hot. Its a hard mix to find.

  62. the most important qualities I look for are softness and moldability. Softness is a must for keeping both baby b and me comfy for extended carries. I also want a wrap that breaks in and molds well too both if us. If a wrap is too stiff I feel like I just can't get my ties as tight and secure as I want and they're too bulky to physically wrap with I have a didy orient that is exactly what I like in a wrap :)

  63. I love a wrap that's soft, pretty and not to warm when I carry my warmblooded baby in it :)

  64. Recently hada little squish, it was a healing natural birth! Everything I'd wanted for this birth I got. Now I'm on the hunt for a legacy wrap for my sweet Bean. Seems like Shiva may be up there! Why not right? I felt like a strong Goddess that day and I know my babe rocked our birth like a Goddess too. Thanks for the review! You made me want to smell the wrap BTW, I need to smell the awesome!

  65. I love a wrap that the rails are easy to figure out (having the stitching done this way is ingenious!).

  66. i love the colours of this one. I think for us its important that a wrap is toddlerproof and for this summer we look for colours that looks good on us (blondhair baby and brownhair mother) both haha.

  67. the most important in a wrap for me ? colours and design ^^

  68. I've a 2 yo baby. I'll try to find a good toddler wrap, comfy mostly for the back!
    And maybe useful also for a new baby ;)

  69. Baby #5 and I love and need baby wearing f or my sanity. I love the comfort and ease of hands free.

  70. I like my wraps to be soft but supportive.

  71. I like my wraps to be soft and easy to deal with. Also I like, when my daugther loves it and start to smile if she sees it in my hand :) <3

  72. Love that it's organic cotton, and the color is beautiful.

  73. Ive just started wrapping! I cant believe how easy and comfortable it has been. I only know maybe 3 carries haha but Im so eager to learn :D
    This print is absolutely stunning.

  74. I'm in love with this design and color scheme. Whoever wins, hopefully me, will be very lucky indeed!

  75. Such a beautiful wrap! I am Hindu obsessed and I need this! Haha. I am new to baby wearing but I really wish I knew about it back when I first had my 4 year old. I have a storchenweige but it's thick and getting a little too hot outside to carry in it! I would like my next wrap to be something light, airy and soft!

  76. I love the Goddess and sleepy dust that would come with this xx

  77. This looks beautiful! I love babywearing cuddles and need a wrap for my almost one year old!

  78. I've tried 2 wraps so far and the qualities i like most - soft fabric, thin enough to tie easily and attractive pattern - it seems this wrap ticks all those boxes especially perfect as i have green eyes and bub has blue ;)

  79. Live in a hot climate so having a light wrap is a must for me

  80. My favorite quality in a wrap would have to be feeling supportive without being too thick and this seems to fit the bill nicely and it's beautiful too! I've only ever owned one wrap, a gift from a generous angel mama a half a world away and I am eternally grateful for it aswe use it daily, however, I would be just absolutely in love if I were able to get a wrap with pictures! Especially pictures as amazing and connected to my spirit as this <3

  81. I like light and supportive, but my little is still pretty little at 15-16lbs. But I do love a gorgeous colorway and this seems to have it all. :)
    Alice Kendrick

  82. I have never tried a wrap. I currently have a Mei Tai. I would really want to try it but the wraps can be so expensive. Also, there are so many different types I just have no idea where to start. :0 This would be a wonderful way to get started!

  83. i love how it is supportive for a toddler. i want to try wrapping my son but have only stretchy wraps.i love that it's cotton. i love how they made the rails beginner friendly and you don't have to break it in.

  84. would love this! i don't h ave a wrap yet

  85. great to carry a toddler around!!

  86. Floppy, moldable wraps are the best! The colors on this are absolutely STUNNING!!

  87. I pick my wraps by design and weight!

  88. I love a wrap with lots of grip and breath-ability!

  89. Beautiful beautiful beautiful. Would be a perfect replacement for my close caboo....!

  90. This Fidella is gorgeous! I love the colours, obviously one of the most important things in a wrap after the durability and these days, something nice and wide is great for toddler wearing!

  91. I only own one wrap and would love something less of a "beast", easier to know, and a bit cooler. I also look at colors and design and this wrap is my favorite colors and the Shiva design is breathtaking!! Something floppy, but cushy sounds great. :)

  92. Calm Blue Ocean! AKA: CBO

  93. I want a wrap to be soft and cool (I'm quite fluffy and I need the cool factor even in colder months!).

  94. Summer wrap needy! Love being inspired by you. My life has changes from wearing my babe, but we've been on hiatus in our heat. In need of a meditative, gorgeous cotton wrap

  95. I like a wrap that doesn't hurt my shoulders, even with a single pass carry and a heavy kid

  96. The qualities I look for in a wrap are that it's breathable and soft :-)

  97. This wrap is beautiful. I would love it as my first wrap.

  98. I absolutely love this Fidella Wrap!!

  99. Come on Shiva Spirit for the win!

  100. Thank's a lot for you review. I am so in love, this color combination is really beautiful <3

  101. What an amazing review, i am in love :) I would love to have this wrap and carry my love :) !!!

  102. This sounds absolutely perfect for my toddler + the design is breathtaking! Thanks so much for this opportunity!

  103. sounds beautiful and looks absolutely divine!! would love to wrap my darling boy in this!

  104. Ioana Ruxandra Rincu: 'I just Love the print and the colours! I really, really want this wrap, even though my 3 year old doesn't want to be carried that often.'

  105. Still trying to figure out wraps but I guess I would say that my favorite quality is one that does well in the heat. It gets into the 100s here.

    And this is such a lovely wrap!! My husband doesn't really want to wrap, but I really feel like this would change his mind. :)

  106. This is so gorgeous! The print, the all speaks to me. It is going to be such a hot summer here, so a wrap that keeps cool is important!

  107. Ok, aside from the gorgeous color choice, I love that you said that it's basically wrap-ready straight out of the bag as far as softness and floppiness. As someone that will wrap for the first time first of next year, that makes me want this wrap! I don't want to break something in as a newbie.

  108. I live it south central Texas so the fact that it is a cool wrap is what calls out to me! That and the fact that it is gorgeous!! I am a baby wrapper and want this in my collection so so bad!!!!!

  109. Oh my gosh! This is a gorgeous wrap! . Would llove to win her.... the quality i look for most in a wrap is comfort.... i love a nice, soft wrap that you just want to pet. I also love strength in a wrap... like my babe and i are being hugged by strong arms... thank you so much for doing these giveaways

  110. I have wrapped with a Moby, but am just starting to get into woven wraps, and this one is absolutely gorgeous! I watched a video of yours where you tied a back carry of some sort and I was sold! I wear my 2 year old daughter and my 3 month old son :)

  111. I am currently pregnant with my first baby and can't wait to start trying wraps and slings! Got a carrier already that I know the hubby will use, but now its time to get my first wrap and start learning!

  112. love that you can carry older/heavier kids in this wrap!!! and it's beautiful

  113. I like soft and grippy wraps.

  114. I have never used a wrap but I want too. What I would like in a wrap is something that's soft, comfortable, and that I could wear for more than a few minutes without any issues!! :)

  115. I love the versatility of a wrap & love the lighter colourful ones!

  116. I prefer a wrap that doesn't need babying. No hand washing and hanging to dry for this mama!

  117. I adore the colours in this wrap! I am still hunting for the perfect first woven, but I've found I gravitate to colours I love more than any other factor when admiring wraps. If I'm going to be wearing it, I need to love the colours, so they'll make me happy.

  118. I love that it's lightweight! Living in Georgia, it gets hot. I also love the colors!

  119. Mstr. 16 weeks and I are looking for a replacement for our beloved stretchy wrap. We would love the opportunity to add the beautiful Fidella "Shiva spirit" to our family :)

  120. I love the colours and also that it's thin yet toddler-worthy!

  121. I don't know what I look for in a wrap because I don't have one. I know I would want something pretty that can hold a toddler well, and is preferably breathable, too.

  122. i love one thats versatile enough for my 3 month old and my toddler!!

  123. This is gorgeous and appeals to my soul!

  124. I love wraps that are thin but supportive - especially when they can be used from infant to toddler years! Even better when they are soft and floppy!

  125. I love wearing my squish. We have ssc, ring sling and a stretchy wrap and I can't wait to purchase our first woven wrap.
    The colour on this wrap is beautiful.

  126. This wrap is beautiful. I have a toddler and would love to wrap but never did beyond a stretchy at 5 months. I like the alternate hems. Great idea.

  127. absolutely lovely wrap. my son saw the picture and was all smiles

  128. I do not have a wrap YET. I can't wait to try one.

  129. I like a wrap to be soft, but supportive. And I want it to be nice, with beautiful colours, just like this one. Just my kind of colours. My soul is crying for this wrap.

  130. I'm new to wrapping and on a limited budget. What I look for is quality that will stand to be worn for all of my children. My son is 11 months old and 6 months pregnant with second baby. It is also important that the wrap suits newborn to toddler. This particular wrap is beyond beautiful. The colors, the strong woman goddess (how ironic for a wrapping mum) and symbols are to die for. Absolutely stunning!

  131. I love how quickly I can toss her into her ring sling and go. Wish I could have another for color options and being able to keep one in the car and one at the house!

  132. I love the colors and that's it's thin and lightweight for summer!

  133. Woven wraps are so versatile! <3

  134. My favorite in a wrap is it's durability with a chunky baby! We love wearing and I don't want to have to unwrap and rewrap because it can't stay tight or hold her weight!

  135. I love a wrap that has a good print in great colors, supportive and soft, and perfect for hot weather.

  136. I love wraps that are soft, thin, but supportive too.

  137. I would love to try my first wrap!!

  138. I like a wrap that gives a good masmallow feeling on the shoulders :)

  139. What a gorgeous wrap....looks so comfy and the pattern is AMAZING. Im really into these lightweight thinner wraps they are like a second skin.

  140. This wrap is sooo beautiful. The most important qualities in a wrap for me is that they're supportive and cozy. My little guy is only 4 months so I want it needs to be soft enough for his comfort :)

  141. I don't know much about wraps but this one is beautiful! I would say one of the most important qualities would be comfort for both baby and me.

  142. What a beautiful wrap! I have a Moby wrap (which was great in winter when my daughter was just itty bitty) but it's way too hot for summer. This looks like it would be perfect for carrying in hot weather!

  143. I'm kind of new to babywearing. I tried wearing my eldest, but the ring sling I was gifted (13 years ago) was padded and uncomfortable for me. I have an almost 2 year old now and have a wcrs we're trying to figure out. I really wanted a wrap, but, what I look for in a wrap and what I can afford are two different things! lol I am picky about color and patterns and of course, I need something toddler worthy! I love both the colors and pattern in this wrap!!! Thank you so much for the chance to win!! Good luck, everyone!! :)

  144. its so beautiful, I love the fact its thin, out here in Missouri, we need thin carriers

  145. I love a wrap which is supportive and strong, has to have awesome colours and is obviously comfortable for both my baby and I :D we love babywearing! <3

  146. I like something that is easy to wrap with and comfortable :)

  147. My first child is 5 months old and I quickly fell in love with baby wearing, but am still relatively new! I am exploring different wraps and this seems like a great one to learn with. So far all I have used is a moby, K'tan, and a ring sling and would LOVE something of good quality

    1. The design also appeals to me as a yoga instructor!

  148. I would love for this to be my first wrap ever!! I'm still learning about all this baby wearing lifestyle! :) it's a beautiful thing. This wrap is GORGEOUS!

  149. I like something light weight, easy to use, and not too bulky. As a thin person, so much fabric is just overwhelming

  150. I love my wraps buttery soft and supportive but not to thick

  151. I like wraps for their versatility and their beauty.

  152. I love a good sqwishy wrap. This one is beautiful and perfect for summer. I love the design and color.

  153. I really love how beautiful and how versatile the weight and ways to carry are!

  154. Gosh I love how this wrap looks. I'm only slightly crunchy, but I really dig the Earth Mother-yness of this wrap. And the colours... oh my.
    Fingers crossed my number comes up on this one! :) x

    1. Totally forgot to answer the competition question!
      I have only had one wrap - an Ellevill Zara Bluez. I love it because it's my first wrap, because my babe loves it and because it's comfortable. I have dodgy shoulders and with the right carry I hardly feel my chunky 7 month old bubba at all. So comfort is a necessity when it comes to a wrap. And secondly... appearance! Although I'm very fond of Blue, sometimes I look at all of the beautiful wraps on the market and feel like mine looks a little tea-towelly in comparison.

  155. I love this color combo and the fact that it's lightweight. It's super hot here in summers and my new little one would love being snuggled in this!

  156. I love love love the colors of this wrap! Can anyone please tell me where to find the widget to enter???? PLEASE

  157. How do I enter to win??? I want this SSOOOOOO bad!!! I wrap my baby in nothing but homemade wraps and that is really hot when I'm wearing her to hang laundry outside... I not only want this, I NEED this!!! Someone help me please...

  158. This is beautiful!! I love wraps that are breathable and comfortable for toddlers. We live in FL (HOT!) and baby wearing can be a challenge without soft, breathable fabric! I would love this for my 2yo or 3mo!

  159. I love a wrap that is bright and cheerful.....but also is suitable for use with both my baby and toddler. This one sounds like it is light enough for the hot weather where I live, wide enough for carrying my toddler and soft for my little one..Perfect!

  160. Love it so much! Desperately want it) and the most important quality in wraps is comfort of both mother and a child

  161. I find the most important quality in a wrap is the ability to use it from birth until the child is too heavy to wear. Would love to win this!

  162. Beautiful colors! Looks so comfy!

  163. Something comfy for baby and me, lightweight and breathable and something that lasts!

  164. Just search keep calm and carry them in facebook to enter :) or go to

  165. A nice light sturdy material. A light color during the summer is also a plus too!

  166. Lightweight, moldable, beautiful.

  167. Lightweight, cute colors, soft. :)

  168. this is so gorgeous. I have my fingers crossed. This would be a perfect 1st wrap.

  169. I love this one!! Qualities I love in a wrap is versatility and how toddler worthy they are. We are now wrapless so fingers are crossed!

  170. Want and need for DD.. Pretty please pick us !!!!

  171. Lightweight, floppy, and beautiful colors!

  172. I am excited at the prospect of wrapping when my baby arrives. I've been researching types and qualities, so many choices!!!
    I love the colours of this one, and it looks like it would be a nice comfortable wrap.

  173. Colors are amazing and the design is gorgeous!!

  174. It looks beautiful!

  175. I look for a wrap to be lightweight but extremely comfortable! Soft and airy :)

  176. Something lightweight, breathable, and summer friendly seems nice and this wrap seems to suit that! Along with pretty colors and designs on it.

  177. Such a beautiful wrap. I love that it's "beginner friendly"!
    Such a gorgeous design.

  178. Light weight sounds fantastic. (I also love the colours in this one! Just gorgeous!).

  179. I wish I knew what kind of wrap I liked but I don't have one yet (too expensive). I really really want to win.

  180. This wrap is so perfect! Think the design is a beautiful image of a peaceful mumma. Lightweight is ideal too.

  181. My favorite qualities in a wrap would have to be thin, beautiful design, and have excellent cush

  182. I am in love with this print and color! I couldnt tell you what qualities I look for in a wrap, as I dont own one yet. I am very interested in wrapping, it is like an art and takes skill to do. Very beautiful!

  183. So in love with this gorgeous wrap!!!!

  184. I have a Moby wrap but I don't like it cause my baby girl and I heat up. I would love to get one that is light weight and breathable for the summer

  185. I'm really loving an airy, grippy weave with a lot of support since it's summer here an I have a toddler.

  186. I'd love an airy supportive wrap to wear I to toddlerhood!

  187. I love the width and supportiveness for wearing a toddler in

  188. I need a cushy wrap that will support my chubbalistic baby, but one that's lighter for Louisiana summers! The shiva wrap is so lovely, and so my style--it would help keep me serene and ponder the goddess within while I nursed in public all over my conservative town :)
