Friday, May 2, 2014

Review - Rockin' Baby ring sling

Rockin' Baby are on a mission - to enable mothers in communities where survival is a daily challenge to wear their babies. They understand that these women need to keep their babies safe, fed and close while filling life's essential needs for their families. How do they do this? Simple. For every sling purchased by us, they will give a "Hero Sling" to a mother in Haiti, helping her to bond with her new baby and get on with the practicalities of living.

Now, this is all very nice, but what about the slings they are making and selling to us? Well, I have one here -  a reversible called "Midnight Hour" - and it's lovely. It's a reversible navy solid/peacock pattern with a simple pleated shoulder which takes a little getting used to but spreads to cup the shoulder nicely. Most slings in the range feature a fancy side and a quieter side; I anticipated this making them difficult to adjust but I was wrong.

The winning feature: the zip pocket in the tail large enough to stash your keys/wallet/spare nappy.
This does make it harder to thread the sling but once you know it's there it's easy enough to do - and if you're anything like me, you only fully unthread or rethread your ring sling when it's going in the wash. Learn from my addled experience: when you want to wear the sling with the OTHER side out, you DO need to rethread it. Failing to do this will leave you stranded and struggling in a sling that won't tighten and then you just feel like a goose...

Conclusion: This is a nice product. At $99 it won't break the bank, it's a great starter sling that is mama and dada friendly, it's easy to use correctly and follow TICKS guidelines in, and you're supporting an awesome project and enabling another mama to keep her baby close. Win. Win. Win.

And you CAN win one ;) Just hit the widget


  1. My hero is my mom. My dad was always traveling for work, so she was home alone with my sister and I a majority of the time. She worked a graveyard shift for most of my life so that she didn't have to miss anything. She was always present and participating in every science fair, talent show, dance recital, she was the PTA mom, everything. And those are memories I'll never dorgwt, and hope to pads along similar ones go my son someday!

  2. Who is my hero? My great 7 years old daughter! We had some hard times and she is so strong, happy and wonderful!

  3. My hero is my hubby. He's deployed and starting to miss some big things with our boys, but we are so grateful for him and how hard he works. (Amanda Smith)

  4. My hero is my husband who is without doubt my rock when it comes to supporting me with our twins. He was there to help me throughout tandem breastfeeding and getting into a routine. Super daddy and super husband x

  5. Definitely Captain Planet! I totally reckon he would be a babywearer if he had kids :P

  6. My parents are my heroes, they raised me and my sister alone,w\ any help, in a time where life here was very hard and they did a great job.

  7. My hero is my mother in law she's shown me courage strength and honour to get through the toughest part of my life drugs ruined it she helped me make it better and now I have the most beautiful son out of my good deeds and ways I changed. She's stuck by me through thick and thin. I owe her so much more than I could ever give back :)

  8. I have a few heros, my husband :) he sacrifices daily for us and never makes me feel like he sees it as a sacrifice. My mom who built her life from nothing with no ones help and two kids. And my oldest daughter who, tries her best to do that which is right. She is 7 and autistic and really tries be a helpful big sister, and kind to her baby sister and future brother. She is sweet and though she gets frustrated often with things, she doesn't give up. Even when it gets tough.

  9. Love the Rockin' Baby mission :)
    My heros are any mums/dads who parent alone. We're lucky enough to have both my husband and I at home most of the time with our little two and some days we barely manage. I take my hat off to parents who have a partner working full time, and I am utterly in awe of parents who do it alone full time. I think I'd crumble in a heap :)

  10. My parents are definitely heroes. They taught so many great life lessons to me and my siblings, even our spouses.

  11. My hero is my husband- he has been my rock through parenting, losing our son and continuing on

  12. My hero is my mother. She has raised three wonderful girls.

  13. My 5 year old, from the day she was born she was always a survivor. We have been through a lot and she was always by my side! She's my best friend and always will be, couldn't imagine life without her. She's my hero, my rock , my everything!!!! Love you so much baby girl xxx

  14. Maybe this sounds a bit egotistical, but I'm my own hero right now. Hubby's away far more than he's home so I'm pretty much raising our new baby on my own most of the time. I am so proud of myself for my endless patience, love and time for my girl. Baby wearing is my saviour when we have "those" kind of days! Of course, I have family that helps out, but its not quite the same. Kudos to all the mummas and daddas who do it even more own their own than I do! <3

  15. always loved the ethos of this brand and would love one to add to our growing library stash for Swansea Slingmeet :)

  16. My hero is my mam, verry sick from kidney disease but always happy and helping other people. That is what I learned from her. Be kind and help others. So we know have a foster child. And afcourse we carry him!

  17. My hero is my 7 month old daughter. Against all odds she is still with us today. And healthy and growing! I almost lost her a few times while pregnant. And then wss born so sick. I got used to hearing she would not come home. But we did it. She made it! And she is so strong. And has best attitude, I love her!

  18. My heroes are my mom and mother-in-law. Two awesome women of God :)

  19. My hero is my best friend. She started off as my vision teacher when i was in 8th grade. Now I'm about to turn 30 and she's my example of how an avoided woman can still raise a healthy, whole baby. Never had that example before her.

  20. My husband is my hero. He is an amazing man!

  21. My husband, he is a Volunteer FF/EMT and wonderful Daddy!

  22. My hero is my husband who stands by me though thick and thin.

  23. My mom is a hero. She handles every situation with such grace. She raised my brother and me to be respectful people. I can't wait for my daughter to be born in 8 weeks so she can meet her!

  24. My current hero is a friend of mine who works day/night and with no compensation for the plight of victims of modern day slavery.

  25. My hero is my brother and sisters in the military.

  26. My hero is Jesus.

  27. My heros are my kiddos. .. They are so loving to those Around them

  28. My hero is my husband. He is one of the most amazing men in the world! He also gave me my first son due july 17th! ♥♥♥

  29. My Heroine is my grandmother, I call her Mammie. She saved me and my sister from our mother when we were very little. She saved us from her to ensure we would gown to safe. I could never repay her for that. I love her with all of my heart and strive to be a good mother to my children like she was to my sister and I.

  30. My hero is my dear husband. Love him to the moon and back.

  31. My hero is my mom! She raised my brother and I alone for 9years. She then met my step dad and they had my little brother and sister. Ten years later my stepdad was diagnosed with cancer and passed away 8years later. She is now raising a 14 & 10year old on her own. She has always been a strong women & now that im a mother, im hoping to be just like her.

  32. My hero is my sister. She is so generous and smart. After spending 3 years in the Peace Corps in Africa she came back and went into an MPH program. She graduates this month and I'm sure will go on to do great things!

  33. my hero is my husband. he works long and hard to provide for our family. he is also a capable man willing to do housework (i hate dishes) and wear our Little while doing it. i won the lottery when i met him.

  34. My hero is my son, I was on a bad path when I found out I was pregnant. ♥

  35. My hero is my dad! <3 He raised all three of is on his own and is one of the most incredible men I know. :)

  36. My hero is my dad. He's always there with great advise and sound reasoning when I need him. =)

  37. My mom is my hero. she was diagnosed with satge 4 cancer but has been determined to beat it.

  38. I have a tie for my hero/s. :) First, my husband. He's been with me through thick and thin. We got together shortly after I graduated high school and besides a short hiatus we've been together since. He's been my rock. He has supported me in anything that I show interest in. I am so absolutely grateful to have him. He has made life a wonderful experience, or at least bareable through the really tough times. And now he's a wonderful father too. :D There's nothing like seeing your son hugging and laughing with his father. It's a very prideful & magical moment.
    My other hero is my friend Rachel. She has been by my side through our pregnancy. It has been absolutely critical to have her to turn to when I need a friend. I love her so much! We seem to be going through a lot of the same thing post partum. Though some of it is unfortunate, it's nice to know I'm not alone.
    Between these two people, I have everything I need. I love them more than words can ever express. I'm extremely grateful I stumbled into their lives. :) <3

  39. hey! a friend of mine tagged me for your giveaway and i was going through the instructions to enter. i have to mention one of my heroes? i really don't know who to put down because i don't have any mom heroes (and it seems like it has to be mom oriented). i have a lot of pioneer female scientists i look up to, as well as female artists. so i hope it's okay to mention them. in a way they are everyone's mothers because they made a way for women in the sciences and helped us gain so much information on life itself. i would have to say i admire frida kahlo for her bravery that allowed her to get through her physical and emotional struggles (relating to her accident, infertility, and husband's infidelities). i admire rosalind franklin whose research/data was used to piece together the structure of DNA (she was totally robbed because of sexism). without them, the world would be missing so much of life's perspectives. good luck everyone!

  40. My mom, She is a real hero to me! As I was growing up she was at home. My dad worked (still does) she stayed at home to take care of me and my litlle brothers. She now supports everything I do. My choices of how my husband and I want to raise our little daughter. She didn't know about babywearing, rapley, or almost everything we chose. But she is very interested and loves to babysit our little Sofie. She would love to wear, but she can't get the wrap right. So I would love to give her this ringsling. So she can wear our little girl as well. It would be a GREAT gift for mothersday next week. If I win I could tell her on mothersday next week, or 1 day earlier on my birthday! :)

  41. My mother! She is staying with me right now taking care of my family since I just had my 2nd via emergency C section. She is amazing!

  42. My husband is my hero. He does so much for our family and i'm just so lucky to have him!

  43. My husband for sure! He works so hard for his family

  44. My hero is my friend Dawn. She is military and happily does her part to support our servicemen and women, her husband is battling cancer and she is so strong, she has several angel babies and is an amazing mom to her two year old. She is an amazing woman!

  45. My hero is my dad. He took me in at 14 after my mother keeping me from him for 14 years. A complete stranger to him and he opened his arms and home to me and have me a better life than anyone else could have offered.

  46. My hero is my boyfriend, because he's very supportive and just as into Attachment Parenting as I am. :)

  47. my hero is both of my grandmas :)

  48. My mom and my hubby are my heroes. Love them!

  49. My hero is my daddy, he served 27 years active duty airforce and he taught me what a real hero is!

  50. MY hero is my hubby. He puts up with me every day :)

  51. My hero is my husband. He loves my oldest two children as his own, works hard, and loves us harder. He is always helping others and putting himself last.

  52. My hero is my son Asher who gave his life so that his twin brother may live. <3

  53. My Mommy is my hero! She practiced gentle parenting when when the norm was disciplinarian. She simply does what she wants!

  54. My partner is my comment. He works very very hard at work and at home. I'm so grateful he really has enabled me to be a full time mummy and I love every minute!!

  55. My hero is a tie between my amazing husband and my incredible mom.
    My mom has raised 6 children, and is the most honest, kind, living, and strong person I know.
    My husband is an infantryman in the U.S. Army, protecting our country and doing everything he can to be a loving, nurturing, and loyal father and husband.
    I don't know what I would do without these incredible people in my life.

  56. My dad is my hero. When my mom left when I was 6, my dad stepped up to raise my 7 year old brother and I. All the while, he was active Army and going to night school to build a better life for us. When my mom tried to take us back 9 years later, my dad fought tooth and nail to win full custody, and he did!
    We didn't always see eye to eye, and I hated how strict he could be. Now that I'm 32, I'm nothing but grateful for all he sacrificed to raise us. If he hadn't been so strict when needed, or hadn't fought for us, or hadn't continued to better himself while raising us...I wouldn't be the woman I am today, and I would have no idea what "family" really means!!

  57. My dad is my hero! He is a cancer survivor, and never lost hope or let it get him down even now when it could come back anytime! He is an awesome father and grandfather!

  58. My hero is my hubby. He works crazy hours so I can stay home with our son and so we can grow our family.

  59. My hero is my partner who is doing such an amazing job bringing up our 2 daughters. I never really knew what it was like to be a parent until I became one and whilst it is the most rewarding job in the world it is also very challenging and just think its awesome that she wants to be a full time mum. She's doing an awesomejob!!

  60. My mom is my hero ... birthed 5 children (4 of them VBAC), raised us on a farm, homeschooled all of us, then after well all grew up and left the nest she went back to college to earn her BA in teaching/education. She just doesn't stop. She's set the bar high and has proven that if you don't give up, you can do everything you desire to do :)

  61. Wow!!! This wrap looks heavenly! It sounds even better! Hopefully I win, I have been drooling over handwovens!

  62. My husband is my hero. I always stayed close to me in the worse moments of my life. We our first child with 38 weeks of pregnancy and he has has been here for me the whole time. He is always supporting me in my decisions and simply love me what I am.
